El CCAT felicita a los estudiantes Yolanda Baez y Hansel Porras, quienes fueron escogidos para participar en el Miami International Film Festival. Las piezas “Oscuro” y “Casting” tendrán su premier el sábado, 4 de marzo a las 12:00pm en el Tower Cinema, 1508 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33135, como parte de la selección del Cinemaslam 2017. Exhortamos a nuestros estudiantes a que asistan a esta actividad.
El colegio llevara a cabo una rifa el miércoles 1 de marzo, 2017 a las 7pm y los resultados se anunciaran el jueves 2 de marzo, 2017. 5 ganadores recibieran boletos para asistir a la premier del Cinemaslam 2017.
Aquellos estudiantes que deseen comprar boletos, pueden hacerlos a través de http://2017.miamifilmfestival.com/, y también en la boletería del teatro.
CCAT would like to congratulate Yolanda Baez and Hansel Porras whom were chosen to particiapte in this years, Miami International Film Festival. Their short films “Dark” and “Casting” will premier on Saturday, March 4th, 2017 at 12:00pm in the Tower Theater, 1508 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33135, as part of the festivals selection. We encourage all our students to participate in this activity.
CCAT will be holding a raffle on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 7:00pm and results will be announced, Thursday, March 2, 2017. 5 winners will receive tickets to attend the Cinemaslam 2017 screening premier. For those students who would like to purchase tickets online, please visit http://2017.miamifilmfestival.com/, or you can also purchase tickets at the theater box office.